17 October 2020

Xevi Solà Serra. Green Room, 2020 (artist’s portfolio).

Oil on canvas: 100 x 81 cm. Xevi Solà Serra (2017): “I could define my work like filming a horror movie using relaxing pastel tones in order to achieve, this way, more effective “scares”. The starting point, the motivation to make the first draft of each work, comes mainly from the need to transmit a disturbing message, subtly disturbing, if possible. I seek ways to give clues that refer to the darkest part of consciousness, the part refers to the instincts, sex, the pre-human and animal part, that part considered amoral, beyond the good and evil”.

Visit > Xevi Solà Serra official.
Visit > Xevi Solà Serra at: Gallery Inox, Yiri Arts, Galleri Ramfjord, Alzueta Gallery.
More > Xevi Solà Serra at Instagram.